Vesta Capital is an investment house that specializes in investments and Mergers & Acquisitions of selected urban renewal real estate companies. For the past two decades we have been the market leaders in the field of entrepreneurship, finance and investments in the urban renewal real estate industry.
Vesta has developed a unique risk management model that supports investments and underwriting. The model is based on deep understanding and knowledge of urban and national planning process as well as core business activities in financial engineering, strict planning control, contractual and corporate legal analysis and contractors’ capabilities monitoring.
Vesta’s business model enables us to make quick and efficient informed decisions, while properly managing our portfolio. The model consists of qualitative and quantitative analysis and weights economic parameters and risk factors.
Vesta’s qualitative human capital, alongside with its team’s accumulated decades of practical experience, strengthens the companies in which Vista invests in and accelerates their business growth.

Welcome to Vesta Investment House!